It has taken me three days to even work out how to use the suggested templates, and am none too happy with the one I've ended up with, but this is a minor detail and no reason to stop me from getting some writing onto this here blog thing.
I'm blown away by the mind-numbing wealth of witty, intelligent, interesting blogs there are out there, and so taking inspiration from the lovely blogging community, I am hereby launching this vessel of musings, ramblings and drivelling.
Where to start?
The 'living' part of 'Kerry on Living' is to me a combination of;
i) Family - husband, 3 year old son, 1 year old girl. I love them all without bounds.
ii) Work - personal injury solicitor, (and no, I haven't chased any ambulances for quite a long time. As a rule I do try to avoid running after emergency service vehicles. It can be dangerous),
iii) Friends - a few left. Some with kids, some without, all fantastic.
iv) Other.
As most working mum's will understand 'Other' is a very vague concept to me given time and energy resources which are pretty much exhausted by just getting the kids up and to nursery, myself to and from work, and then the hour from hell which is bathtime and bedtime, but I do have dreams, and very very occasionally I get to spend a few nano seconds doing other stuff.
I think that is as reasonably concise precis for this post. Am writing this in my lunch hour and the pret sandwich I am about to demolish is most definately a two-handed job.
Back soon x